EMERGENCY INFORMATION - To be displayed on a situational basis. Hidden otherwise. EMERGENCY INFORMATION - To be displayed on a situational basis. Hidden otherwise.

Defensive and Distracted Driving Computer-Based Training

Defensive Driving Computer-Based Training banner

Defensive Driving (4:00:00)
This 4-hour Defensive Driving course is provided for FDOT employees, consultants, and external consultants, as applicable. This course may satisfy the requirements for an insurance agency that requires the completion of a Defensive Driving Course to receive a discount on your insurance. We recommend checking with your insurance agency to determine if this course will suffice for the requirement. FDOT is not responsible for information on the requirements of insurance agencies. There is an exam after you complete all 11 modules with a certificate of completion awarded when you pass the exam.

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This site is maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation OCM Multimedia, located at 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee FL 32301. For additional information, please e-mail questions, comments or report technical problems to the FDOT Service Desk: 1-866-955-4357 or e-mail FDOT Service Desk.