National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Introductory Courses
Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Training - Part 1
NEPA 101 Part 1 of 2 CBT (HTML5, 56:43)
Part 1 of this course provides an overview of the National Environmental Policy Act, including the historical context, specific components and other complementary laws.
NEPA 101 Part 2 of 2 CBT (HTML5, 48:03)
Part 2 of the course examines the composition of NEPA project schedules, commonly-encountered requirements, and some of the major environmental laws and Presidential Executive Orders. |
Class of Action CBT (HTML5, 47:06)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on Classes of Action as described in the PD&E Manual. |
Preliminary Environmental Discussion and Advance Notification CBT (HTML5, 18:30)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on preparing Preliminary Environmental Discussions and Advance Notifications as described in Part 1, Chapter 3 of the PD&E Manual. |
Categorical Exclusions CBT (HTML5, 54:40)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on Categorical Exclusions as described in the PD&E Manual. |
Environmental Assessment CBT (HTML5, 35:29)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on preparing Environmental Assessments as described in Part 1, Chapter 6 of the PD&E Manual. |
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) CBT (HTML5, 24:35)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on preparing a Finding of No Significant Impact, or FONSI. |
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Overview and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) CBT (HTML5,
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of Environmental Impact Statements in general and instruction on preparing Draft Environmental Impact Statements as described in Part 1, Chapter 8 of the PD&E Manual. |
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) CBT (HTML5,
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on preparing a Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision as described in Part 1, Chapter 9 of the PD&E Manual. |
Re-evaluations CBT (HTML5, 32:48)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on preparing Re-evaluations as described in Part 1, Chapter 13 of the PD&E Manual. |
Transit Project Delivery CBT (HTML5, 60:25)
This course provides an overview of the transit project delivery process, agency roles in the environmental review process, an overview of FDOT’s five-step process, and the FTA’s funding programs. |
Project Files & Records Management CBT (HTML5, 25:00)
This CBT will provide training on data management and retention requirements for FDOT and FHWA as well as maintaining and retrieving project documents in SWEPT. |
NEPA Project Development & Environment Training - Part 2
Aesthetic Effects CBT (HTML5, 20:08)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction on the Aesthetic Effects evaluation as described in Part 2, Chapter 5 of the PD&E Manual. |
Farmland CBT (HTML5, 19:00)
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction in Farmland evaluation as described in Part 2, Chapter 6 of the PD&E Manual. |
Administrative Record CBT (HTML5, 8:14)
This course will cover requirements for creating, maintaining, and retrieving the Administrative Record for NEPA projects. |
Commitments CBT (HTML5, 33:25)
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview as well as specifics of project commitments, their role in the project, and commitment documentation and tracking procedures. |
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assignment Courses
Audit Support CBT (HTML5, 13:31)
This CBT is designed to familiarize employees with FHWA NEPA Assignment Audit Support. |
Performance Measures CBT (HTML5, 19:24)
The NEPA Assignment Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), executed December 14, 2016, requires that FDOT have performance measures that assess our implementation of NEPA Assignment. This training provides an overview of those measures. |
Quality Assurance and Quality Control CBT (HTML5, 13:39)
This course will provide a high level overview of the QA/QC Plan, which is divided into the 3 parts of QA/QC Process, Self-Assessment Process, and FHWA Audit Support. |
Self Assessment CBT (HTML5, 13:21)
This CBT is designed to introduce you to the NEPA Self-Assessment process and the responsibilities of those involved. |
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