EMERGENCY INFORMATION - To be displayed on a situational basis. Hidden otherwise. EMERGENCY INFORMATION - To be displayed on a situational basis. Hidden otherwise.

Computer Based Training

Resident Compliance Specialist CBT banner

         RESOURCES (opens new browser window)    

Welcome to the Resident Compliance Specialist CBT

This training will inform you on the federal guidelines and regulations regarding
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and does not replace the training that you will receive in your district. However, the goal is to provide you with a general overview of your role as a Resident Compliance Specialist.


RCS Overview (HTML5, 02:50)

Wages/Payroll & Labor Interviews (HTML5, 46:23)

The Davis-Bacon Act
Copeland Act
Determining Applicability
Covered Employees
Compliance Requirements
Recordkeeping & Reporting
Payroll Requirements
Additional Classifications
Notification of Noncompliance

On-the-Job Training Program (HTML5, 20:41)

Federal & State Requirements
Training Evaluation Meeting
Trainee Personnel Actions
OJT Time Reports & Payrolls
Proficiency & Graduation
Trainee Transfer or Termination
Banking & Voluntary Banking

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (HTML5, 08:24)

Eligibility Guidelines

Commercially Useful Functions  (HTML5, 20:49)

Contractor Requirements
DBE Affirmative Action Plan
RCS Responsibilities

Best Case Practices  (HTML5, 04:54)

Record Keeping (HTML5, 06:02)

Prime & Sub Contractor Required Documentation

Summary (HTML5, 11:14)

Wages & Payroll
On the Job Training Program
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
Commercially Useful Function
Best Practices
Record Keeping


Accessibility Page
Web Policies and Notices

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ODO logo (opens new browser window)

This site is maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation ODO Multimedia, located at 605 Suwannee Street, Tallahassee FL 32301. For additional information, please e-mail questions, comments or report technical problems to the FDOT Service Desk: 1-866-955-4357 or e-mail FDOT Service Desk.
Resident Compliance Specialist CBT